UFC 247 fer fram á laugardaginn í Houston, Texas. Tveir titilbardagar eru á dagskrá en hér má sjá Countdown þættina fyrir bardagakvöldið.
Í aðalbardaga kvöldsins mætast þeir Jon Jones og Dominick Reyes. Jones er einn sigursælasti meistari í sögu MMA en síðustu tvær frammistöður hans hafa verið ósannfærandi. Reyes er ósigraður áskorandi en hann hefur unnið alla sex bardaga sína í UFC.
Jones var ósammála mörgum ummælum sem Reyes lét hafa eftir sér í þættinum og svaraði honum á Twitter.
“He’s fought wrestlers he’s fought strikers but never athletes“ -DR
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) February 3, 2020
probably the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while
DC competed in the NCAA finals and in the Olympics, OSP played Division I football, Bader the current double Champ of Bellator, Vitor crazy speed and explosive, Lyoto had been striking since age 5, Glover was on a 20 fight win streak but none of those guys are athletes I guess🤷🏾♂️ https://t.co/EIH0FrQQSL
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) February 3, 2020
Dominick Reyes, one of the greatest athletes in Apple Valley history. Being a big fish in a small pond for so long has really gone to his head.
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) February 3, 2020
Beating up on cans has got him convinced he’s a better athlete than most of the world. If he was so badass he would’ve won the California state wrestling championships, he would’ve went division one, He would have at least made a practice squad for the NFL. This man is delusional
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) February 3, 2020
I got some humble pie in the oven, dishing out slices in one week
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) February 3, 2020
Valentina Shevchenko og Katlyn Chookagian mætast um fluguvigtarbeltið en Shevchenko er talsvert sigurstranglegri hjá veðbönkum.
Þáttinn í heild sinni má sjá hér að neðan.