Bellator 241 átti að fara fram í gærkvöldi í Connecticut. Skömmu fyrir viðburðinn hætti Bellator við vegna kórónaveirunnar.
Þetta var annasöm vika fyrir Bellator. Bellator ákvað fyrr í vikunni að halda bardagakvöldið fyrir luktum dyrum en í gær tilkynnti Scott Coker, forseti Bellator, að bardagakvöldinu yrði frestað. Ekki hefur verið ákveðið hvenær það muni fara fram.
Patricio ‘Pitbull’ Freire og Pedro Carvalho áttu að mætast í aðalbardaga kvöldsins.
The health and safety of everyone involved have, and will remain, our top priority as we move forward. After carefully monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, @BellatorMMA has chosen to postpone this evening’s Bellator 241 event at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut.
— Scott Coker (@ScottCoker) March 13, 2020
Allir bardagamenn og starfsmenn fengu greitt.
All athletes that were scheduled to compete at #Bellator241, as well as officials, judges, cutmen and additional event personnel, have been compensated. Next to everyone’s health and safety, this was our biggest priority.
— Scott Coker (@ScottCoker) March 13, 2020