Þriðjudagsglíma dagsins er glíma Gunnars Nelson og Clark Gracie. Glíman fór fram á Pan Am Jiu-Jitsu Championship mótinu árið 2009 í flokki brúnbeltinga. Þetta var fyrsta glíma Gunnars í flokknum en hann endaði á að sigra flokkinn. Clark Gracie er afar sterkur glímumaður og er barnabarn Carlos Gracie, einn af upphafsmönnum BJJ. Clark Gracie hefur nánast alist upp á dýnunum og því glæsilegt afrek hjá Gunnari að sigra þennan sterka andstæðing. Clark Gracie er sigursæll glímumaður og vann t.a.m. Pan Ams í fyrra í flokki svartbeltinga. Á sama móti var þessi skemmtilega mynd tekin og fór sem eldur í sinu á netinu.
Pan Ams er sennilega næst stærsta glímumót heims í galla en John Kavanagh, yfirþjálfari Gunnars, sagði þetta eftir sigur Gunnars á mótinu:
“I’ve said it before; Gunni has the best understanding of jits I’ve ever seen. Just watched all the matches there, brilliant. Everything based around posture and timing. Guys wanting to learn ‘new techniques’ would do well to study those matches and try finding a complicated move. There’s nothing there that an average blue belt wouldn’t know…just done a LOT better than the average blue belt. All his movements slow and methodical with perfect timing and excellent posture – very ricksonesque
Scary to think he’s actually only wearing a Gi about 6mths …then goes and wins the Pan Ams at brown belt level. I think Gunni is training 3,5 yrs total now, most of it rolling around with beginners in Iceland. I would rate this as a greater achievement than BJ Penn winning the Mundials at black belt after 3yrs because: 1. BJ was training fulltime with team of excellent competition players from the start (Ralph Gracie school) and 2. The standard of jits has shot up over the last few years.”
Þetta var svo sannarlega frábær árangur hjá Gunnari að sigra þennan erfiða flokk en hér að neðan má sjá glímuna gegn Clark Gracie. Vignir Már Sævarsson tók glímuna upp.