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HomeErlentMMA samfélagið syrgir Kevin Randleman

MMA samfélagið syrgir Kevin Randleman

Eighth Annual Fighters Only World Mixed Martial Arts AwardsÁ fimmtdagskvöldið lést Kevin Randleman eftir hjartaáfall. Hér má sjá hvernig margir kollegar hans minnast hans.

Kevin Randleman var einstaklega vel liðinn í MMA samfélaginu. Hann var algjört skrímsli í búrinu en einstaklega léttur og skemmtilegur maður utan búrsins.

Á síðustu dögum hafa ótal sögur af honum skotist upp á yfirborðið sem sýna hvaða mann hann hafði að geyma. Randleman gaf sér alltaf tíma fyrir aðdáendur sína og mætti meira að segja í 13 ára afmæli aðdáanda síns þegar hann var á toppi ferilsins.

Rothöggið á Mirko ‘Cro Cop’ Filipovic var sennilega besti sigur ferilsins. Cro Cop sendi samúðarkveðjur til fjölskyldu hans á Twitter í gær.

Randy Couture tók þungavigtartitilinn af Randleman og birti þennan póst á Instagram í gær.

Kevin my friend , my sorrows swell and my heart sinks as the sun sets on our journey. I embrace the memories of our time together in laughter , in the heat of combat , and in tears as we stumbled through this world. I never dreamed that I would sit alone decades later in reflection at the adventures we shared. I see your swagger and smile , eyes twinkle with devious delight as you bounded high in intimidating preparation for battle always aware that all eyes were on you. Magnetic and powerful you seemed to glow with anticipation at what the struggle would bring. You showed me the reward of daily toil and the joys of reckless abandon. You lived a life unimagined by most with a philosophy of someone who seemed to know both sides of the coin. We battled vicious demons , some side by side, and reveled in the victories always willing to share the spoils with any one in need. This life you led laid open an example of happiness and freedom for countless souls including mine that we would never have had the strength or courage to face on our own. We went willingly with you and witnessed mercy, compassion, and the miracle that was you to all those you touched and wisdom through your falls. There is no explanation, excuse , or apology for your life because it requires none! The good was great , the bad was -well bad. It was 100% Kevin and I'am blessed to have shared it. See you on the other side. Randy Couture

A photo posted by Randy Couture (@xcnatch) on

Bas Rutten var góður vinur Randleman og á margar góðar sögur af þeim saman. Hann mun tileinka sérstakt hlaðvarp í næstu viku til Randleman þar sem hlustendur geta heyrt margar frábærar sögur af Randleman.

Yesterday @MauroRanallo and myself finished our podcast, we ate something and decided to go online. Mauro freaks out…

Posted by Bas Rutten on Friday, February 12, 2016

Í næstu viku verður Kevin Randleman goðsögn vikunnar og munum við þá fara ítarlega yfir feril hans.

Í lokin er vert að rifja upp þegar Randleman óskaði eftir að fá að drekka vodka með Fedor Emelianenko eftir bardaga þeirra í Pride.

Pétur Marinó Jónsson
Pétur Marinó Jónsson
Eigandi og ritstjóri vefsins -Æft bardagaíþróttir í einhver ár (fjólublátt belti í BJJ) -BS í sálfræði -Lýsi UFC á Viaplay

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